Category Archives: Delta Cep A

KnobCon 2018 Chicago: Walkthrough

I am a bit late and I had no proper cam with me nor even a tripod. But I thought, nevertheless – I should upload the 7 minutes footage I did with my cheapo mobile phone and put some of my modular noises into the background. I hope, you guys enjoy it! BTW. Not all booths were set up when I did my shaky walkthrough. So please apologize, in case you are missing a booth or manufacturer.
My soundtrack is mostly produced with Radikal Technologies Modules and the Spectralis with one exception: At the end you are listening to some bad noises from my Format Synthesizer.

Radikal Technologies will attend at the 2018 Modular Fest in Zurich. We are there on Saturday, 29.09.2018 from 1 pm to 23pm and will present some special features of our eurorack modules at 3pm in a dedicated workshop.

Zurich Modular Fest

Radikal Eurorack brochure

We prepared a brochure for the Superbooth 2018 and the Moogfest 2018. Click on the pictures to load a high resolution version of the brochure.

Delta CEP A drum-sounds demo

People often ask us, whether the  Delta Cep A is capable of producing drum sounds. So we created this little demo for you. We programmed drum sounds, sampled them and transferred them into the Spectralis. Afterwards we programmed a couple of patterns and played a little drum session with it. While the patterns were running we tweaked the FX-returns of the mixing desk. We only used the internal FXs of the mixer – the plate reverb with a very short reverb time and the LoFi delay.

Here is a little audio demo:


The Spectralis SLC files can be found here:
Spectralis sample sets

Below you can listen again to the same sound demo. But this time we added some compression. We used the Logic Pro-X Classic VCA compressor with limiting!
