Category Archives: RT-1701 EFFEXX Multi FX Processor

EFFEXX String Filter workshop

A snappy noiseshot from the Delta CEP A2 turns into something different in the EFFEXX multi FX module RT-1701. The delaytime of the string filter is controlled by the Delta’s step sequencer. Maybe you have not noticed yet, that the step sequencer of the Delta CEP A2 does not only work with the internal sound engine but also with the KB-CV output of the Delta’s MIDI2CV converter.


SYNTHESESIA – Radikal Technologies Live Stream

OK – earlier than I expected I will go online with an open end video stream on sunday from 3:30 ET (21:30 CET). You can ask questions about the modules and the Delta CEP A and I will produce some tones with the DELTS CEP A, the Swarm Oscillator RT-311, the EFFEXX module RT-1701 and the RT-451 Dual Filter module.
You will get the chance to win a RT-451 dual filter module. The details on that give away will be presented during the show.
Here is the link to the stream:
The live stream is presented by the event!

New workshop Video: Radikal Technologies – Delta CEP A

We recently did a modular workshop at SchneidersLaden in Berlin. Workshops at SchneidersLaden are taking place always on Saturdays. They always start with a little modular improvisation. We are very happy that the staff at SchneidersLaden produced a great video of the entire workshop. So if you missed it you can watch it now. You will learn a lot about the Delta CEP A and in the second chapter about the Radikal Modules as well.

New workshop Video: Radikal Technologies – Delta CEP A

Radikal Technologies Workshop @ SchneidersLaden

Donnerstag, 20.02.2020 19:30

Jörg Schaaf aka Radikal Technologies will be in Berlin to talk about (and show) his latest synthesizer designs like the Delta Cep A. He is responsible for some modern classic synth designs from Germany – like the Spectralis and Accelerator. In the past years he mainly developed eurorack modules like the RT-311 Swarm Oscillator, RT-451 Dual Filter, RT-1701 Effexx or the semi-modular synthesizer Delta Cep A. His complex designs always bring a lot of functionality to the table and they can sound amazing.

See and hear for yourself during the workshop at SchneidersLaden.

Start: 7:30pm @SchneidersLaden

Participation is free / No registration required

Just Music Two Days Workshop Reihe mit Radikal Technologies Modular Workshop

Just Music veranstaltet wie jedes Jahr ihre Two Days workshop Reihe. Ich freue mich dieses Jahr mit einem Modular Workshop Teil der Partie zu werden!

Für die Termine in Hamburg und Berlin können bereits Tickets reserviert werden! Die Veranstaltungen sind kostenlos aber die Anzahl der Plätze ist beschränkt!

Workshop in Hamburg

Workshop in Berlin

KnobCon 2018 Chicago: Walkthrough

I am a bit late and I had no proper cam with me nor even a tripod. But I thought, nevertheless – I should upload the 7 minutes footage I did with my cheapo mobile phone and put some of my modular noises into the background. I hope, you guys enjoy it! BTW. Not all booths were set up when I did my shaky walkthrough. So please apologize, in case you are missing a booth or manufacturer.
My soundtrack is mostly produced with Radikal Technologies Modules and the Spectralis with one exception: At the end you are listening to some bad noises from my Format Synthesizer.

Radikal Technologies will attend at the 2018 Modular Fest in Zurich. We are there on Saturday, 29.09.2018 from 1 pm to 23pm and will present some special features of our eurorack modules at 3pm in a dedicated workshop.

Zurich Modular Fest